Sökresultat för

Processor-jobb i Gävle

Jobba som laborant hos Stora Enso Skutskär i sommar!


Gävle, GVBG

Om oss
Vill du vara med och forma en naturpositiv framtid och arbeta hos en ledande global leverantör av förnybara lösningar? Då är du varmt välkommen till oss!
Inom Stora Enso Skutskär söker vi nu flera sommarvikarier till våra olika avdelningar. Som sommarvikarie hos oss har du en betydande roll i vår verksamhet. Du tar du a...

1 dag sedan
Senior Electrical Commissioning Engineer


Gävle, GVBG

Based in Gavle, your role as Senior Electrical Commissioning Engineer, you will: Lead as the Lead/Senior CxA (Commissioning Agent) / CxM (Commissioning Manager) on mission-critical projects – you will be a key figure throughout the entire process! We are passionate, driven, and knowledgeable, and we handle everything from small to large Data Center projects, ranging from 1MW to an impressive 100MW+, including fault-tolerant facilities and working in operational environments.

1 dag sedan
Logistikplanerare och koordinator sökes till Stora Enso Skutskär i sommar!


Gävle, GVBG

Om oss
Vill du vara med och forma en naturpositiv framtid och arbeta hos en ledande global leverantör av förnybara lösningar? Då är du varmt välkommen till oss!
Inom Stora Enso Skutskär söker vi nu flera sommarvikarier till våra olika avdelningar. Som sommarvikarie hos oss har du en betydande roll i vår verksamhet. Du tar du a...

1 dag sedan
Jobba som IT-tekniker hos Stora Enso Skutskär i sommar!


Gävle, GVBG

Om oss
Vill du vara med och forma en naturpositiv framtid och arbeta hos en ledande global leverantör av förnybara lösningar? Då är du varmt välkommen till oss!
Inom Stora Enso Skutskär söker vi nu flera sommarvikarier till våra olika avdelningar. Som sommarvikarie hos oss har du en betydande roll i vår verksamhet. Du tar du a...

1 dag sedan
Konsult inom Supply Chain Management i Gävle


Gävle, GVBG

ValueOne är specialister inom Supply Chain Management - inköp och logistik. Vi erbjuder våra kunder tjänster inom tre affärsområden: uthyrning och rekryteringsstöd inom vårt specialistområde samt verksamhetsutveckling av företags funktion för Supply Chain avseende strategi, modell, metod, process, organisation och kompetens.V...

1 dag sedan
Critical Environment Project Manager


Gavle, GVBG

We know that starting a new role, particularly in a new country, can be daunting but our teams in Sweden are close and will help you to settle in, from showing you how to navigate local and regional systems and administration as well as accommodation and inviting you to join various social activities. Work with appointed GC and specialist project subcontractors to ensure correct work methods and installation requirements are adhered to and ensure that appropriate method statements are in place and signed off by the relevant parties in advance of installation.

4 dagar sedan
Senior Project Manager


Gavle, GVBG

We know that starting a new role, particularly in a new country, can be daunting but our teams in Sweden are close and will help you to settle in, from showing you how to navigate local and regional systems and administration as well as accommodation and inviting you to join various social activities. We always seek to retain good people and offer a supportive, collaborative environment, with mentorship from industry leaders and continuous learning opportunities to help you thrive in your career.

2 dagar sedan
Senior Electrical Appointed Person/Energy Marshall


Gavle, GVBG

We know that starting a new role, particularly in a new country, can be daunting but our teams in Sweden are close and will help you to settle in, from showing you how to navigate local and regional systems and administration as well as accommodation and inviting you to join various social activities. We would love to hear from you if you: Have experience developing and supporting programs in electrical safety in alignment with NFPA70E, National Electrical Code (NEC), and OSHA requirements as it relates to data center best practices .

4 dagar sedan
Quality Lead Project Manager (Data Centre)


Gavle, GVBG

We know that starting a new role, particularly in a new country, can be daunting but our teams in Sweden are close and will help you to settle in, from showing you how to navigate local and regional systems and administration as well as accommodation and inviting you to join various social activities. We would love to hear from you if you: Have grown your experience in data centre construction/project management over twenty years with increasing levels of leadership and people management .

4 dagar sedan
OFCI Project Manager


Gavle, GVBG

We know that starting a new role, particularly in a new country, can be daunting but our teams in Sweden are close and will help you to settle in, from showing you how to navigate local and regional systems and administration as well as accommodation and inviting you to join various social activities. We are on a journey working in some of the most exciting innovative sectors with some of the world’s most prestigious companies delivering major projects that deliver a more sustainable built environment.

4 dagar sedan
Quality Lead Project Manager (Data Centre)


Gavle, GVBG

We know that starting a new role, particularly in a new country, can be daunting but our teams in Sweden are close and will help you to settle in, from showing you how to navigate local and regional systems and administration as well as accommodation and inviting you to join various social activities. We would love to hear from you if you: Have grown your experience in data centre construction/project management over twenty years with increasing levels of leadership and people management .

4 dagar sedan
Commissioning Manager


Gavle, GVBG

We know that starting a new role, particularly in a new country, can be daunting but our teams in Sweden are close and will help you to settle in, from showing you how to navigate local and regional systems and administration as well as accommodation and inviting you to join various social activities. We always seek to retain good people and offer a supportive, collaborative environment, with mentorship from industry leaders and continuous learning opportunities to help you thrive in your career.

4 dagar sedan
Commissioning Manager


Gavle, GVBG

We know that starting a new role, particularly in a new country, can be daunting but our teams in Sweden are close and will help you to settle in, from showing you how to navigate local and regional systems and administration as well as accommodation and inviting you to join various social activities. We are on a journey working in some of the most exciting innovative sectors with some of the world’s most prestigious companies delivering major projects that deliver a more sustainable built environment.

4 dagar sedan
Integration/Telecoms Project Manager


Gavle, GVBG

We know that starting a new role, particularly in a new country, can be daunting but our teams in Sweden are close and will help you to settle in, from showing you how to navigate local and regional systems and administration as well as accommodation and inviting you to join various social activities. We are on a journey working in some of the most exciting innovative sectors with some of the world’s most prestigious companies delivering major projects that deliver a more sustainable built environment.

4 dagar sedan
Mark anläggare Gävle

Bemanning Sverige Byrå AB

Gävle, GVBG

Vi söker nu mark anläggare för anställning till nuvarande och kommande mark anläggningsprojekt uppstart i Gävle.Arbetsuppgifter:I rollen som Anläggare arbetar du med olika typer av mark och anläggningsarbeten som grundläggning, rörläggning, schaktarbete och stensättning. Du har ett omväxlande jobb och arbetar för det mesta ut...

30+ dagar sedan
Fastighetstekniker Gävleborg


Gaevle, undefined

Fastighetstekniker Gävleborg
Job ID
Service line
GWS Segment
Role type
Areas of Interest
Property Management
Gaevle - Gavleborgs lan - Sweden
Har du bakgrund som fastighetstekniker, låssmed eller dörrinstallatör och vill ta nästa steg i din karriär? Ta då chansen att arbeta...

12 dagar sedan
HR-ansvarig - Gävle

Balkefors & Ponsiluoma Chefsrekrytering

Gävle, undefined

Gävle församling finns och verkar i Gävle. Den gemensamma visionen för Gävle församling är att möta människor, att vara djärvt diakonala och att dela tro tillsammans. Vi är många – anställda, förtroendevalda, ideella, alla medlemmar – som arbetar för att Gävle ska bli ett ännu bättre samhälle att leva i. Gävle församling best...

1 dag sedan